Welcome to St. John’s in the Mountains Episcopal Church located in beautiful Stowe, Vermont.
Join us for weekly worship opportunities:
Sunday Holy Eucharist at 10:00 AM
Click here for the February 23, 2025 bulletin including
the Zoom and YouTube Livestream links.
Saturday Evening Holy Eucharist at 5:00 PM in-person only
Wednesday evening Holy Eucharist, light meal, and Bible Study 5:30 PM in-person only
Daily, we strive to deepen our relationship with God,
one another, and the wider community.
Upcoming Events
Sunday Services at St John's
Sunday Holy Eucharist at 10 AM - in-person and online.
Third Sunday of the Month Morning Prayer at 10 AM - in-person and online.
Join us for worship:
Zoom(The passcode is 802, if needed).
Coffee Hour- Directly following worship
Saturday Holy Eucharist @ 5 PM - through March 29, 2025 - In-person only
To view recordings of current and past Sermons visit the Sermon Page
St. John's goes to the Hockey Game
February 21, 2025
7:00 PMThe Men’s Group, led by Nat Kinney, invites all parisioners and friends to join them in cheering on the UVM Men’s Hockey Team when they take on Boston College.
Tickets are $15.00.
Please contact Nat Kinney for more information and to reserve your seats at: trumankinney@yahoo.com or 802-730-7574.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Everyone is invited to the
Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
hosted by the men of St. John’s.
The event will take place on Tuesday, March 4th, from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM.
Enjoy delicious pancakes and participate in the fun pancake toss!Requested Donation: A donation of $10 is appreciated, but any amount is always welcome. Thank you very much for your generosity!
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday Services
March 5, 20258:00 AM Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes-
Fr. Rick Swanson PreachingPlease join St. John’s in the Mountains Episcopal Church and Stowe Community Church for Ash Wednesday Holy Communion with the Imposition of Ashes.
The 8:00 AM service will be held at St. John’s Church.
Mid-day Ashes-To-Go- on Main Street in Stowe
7:00 PM Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes: at St. John’s in the Mountains.Please join St. John’s in the Mountains Episcopal Church and Stowe Community Church for Ash Wednesday Holy Communion with the Imposition of Ashes.
The service will be led by Fr. Rick Swanson and Pastor Dan Haugh will offer the sermon. Music will be led by Dr. Sara Huff of St. John’s Church and an anthem will be performed by Stowe Community Church choir under the direction of Karen Miller.
Lenten Soup Suppers
Lenten Soup Suppers Begin March 12th
Three Wednesday Lenten Simple Soup Suppers will begin on March 12th, the week following Ash Wednesday. These cherished community gatherings for neighbors and visitors were held for 20 years before the COVID-19 interruption.
This year, the suppers will once again be hosted by St. John’s in the undercroft.
We invite you to bring your family, friends, and neighbors to
join us for homemade soup and bread.
Vegan and vegetarian options will be available.A suggested donation of $8 per adult and $5 per child is appreciated,
but any amount is always welcome.
Proceeds will go to support Lamoille Community Food Share.
Thank you very much for your generosity!On March 19th, the Stowe Community Church parishioners will provide the soup and bread.
For more information contact:
Deb: daclark1951@gmail.com
Cindy: cwrodman@hotmail.com
Heidi: office@sjmstowe.org -
Open Arms Children's Ministry
Open Arms Ministry is dedicated to welcoming families with preschool children. Open Arms is a servant ministry; we strive to share our faith in Jesus Christ by extending our open arms of welcome by creating a safe, nurturing and spiritually feeding community through:
*A preschool ministry staffed by paid and volunteer parishioners.
*Intentionally offering parents of preschool children the opportunity to attend worship for personal spiritual growth.
*A safe environment where all volunteers and staff have completed the Safe Church training on a regular basis. Learn more at https://diovermont.org/safe-church/.
If you are interested in serving, please contact Fr. Rick or Deb Clark.
Green Bag Sunday
The first Sunday of every month, St. John’s in the Mountains
collects food to support the Lamoille County Food Share.Our 2025 goal is to collect 120 bags of groceries. To date, we have collected 16 bags.
Following church on Sunday, David Small will be in the narthex distributing
the distinctive green bags and a suggested shopping list.Over the week, please fill up the bag with needed food and household supplies, and then bring it to church the next Sunday, and place it on the altar.
Green bags are available for pick up during the week on Tuesday and Thursday
between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm.Together we will share God’s love and heed the call of Jesus
to serve those who need our assistance.