2025 Short Course Ministry
2025 Short Course Ministry Schedule
March 16, 23, and 30
Praying Shapes Believing
March 19 - April 9, 2025
Episcopal 101
Sundays, March 16, 23, and 30 from 9-9:45a, in-person only
Join Father Rick in the undercroft to reflect on worship and what feeds the soul about Morning Prayer, Holy Eucharist, and how worship shapes our faith.
This series will lead to the all-parish conversation on April 6.
2024 Short Course Ministry
February 29 - June 23
Creating a Rule of Life
Beginning with the desert fathers and mothers of the late second century of the Church era, monks and nuns have devoted themselves to living their faith by a “rule of life.” A rule of life is a framework for the Christian life, founded on four pillars: prayer, worship, learning, and service. The most widely known Rule of Life was written by St. Benedict in the 6th century and it is still used throughout the world by monastic traditions. Every Christian, lay or ordained, married or single, is called to shape their lives in the form of Christ and the four pillars establish the foundation for a living faith. Each person engages these four pillars of faith from different angles and each pillar is distinctive in nature: prayer is private, worship is public, learning is personal, service is ministry to others. Each pillar needs to be nurtured, embraced, and shared.
This short course is a five-month journey inside your soul that will explore prayer, worship, learning, and service and each individual will develop a personal rule of life. Starting on Thursday, February 29, the journey will begin leading to the blessing of each participants’ Rule of Life at Holy Eucharist on Sunday, June 23, 2024.
March 5 - 20
Memory Loss and Faith
The Book of James
Wednesdays, 12n - 1p, in-person and online
Please join Father Rick to explore what it means to be an Episcopalian.
Join the conversation via Zoom.
Memory loss has been widely studied by physicians, long-term care providers, and the social work community. This short course invites attendees to learn and reflect on how faith can be a pillar of strength for those with cognitive loss and their caregivers. Each week, the course will explore the foundations of the Christian faith and how faith-memory can become a thread of hope on this challenging journey. This three-week short course is co-lead by Fr. Rick Swanson and Deb Clark of St. John’s in the Mountains and Pastor Dan Haugh of Stowe Community Church.
June 6 through June 27
The Gospel of Mark
The Gospel reading on Sunday Morning serves as the cornerstone for the other scripture lessons we read and shapes our vision of Jesus. The Lectionary is a document that prescribes the scripture lessons for our common worship, and it is in a three-year cycle. This year, 2024 we will primarily read from the Gospel of Mark, and our focus will attend to Mark's gospel readings between June and November. We will explore themes the gospel writer employed to tell the story of Jesus, how language, community, and when it was written impacts Mark's vision of the Son of God.
June 19 through September
Financial Stewardship
September 12, 19, & 26, 2024
Co-facilitated with the Seasons of Giving ministry team, Fr. Rick will invite the congregation to explore the spirituality of giving, and personal finances with attention to tithing and how financial stewardship impacts our common life as the people of St. John's in the Mountains. This Short Course will be held one Sunday a month, immediately following coffee hour between June and September.
Join Fr. Rick to explore the Book (or Letter) of James, Thursdays, September 12, 19, and 26 at 12 noon.
You are welcome to join online or in-person for these one hour conversations. See Zoom link below - or email rick@stjohnsinthemountains.org with questions.
The Book of James is a letter attributed to the Brother of Our Lord written to the gathering of Jewish-Christians located in Jerusalem in the middle of the first century.
James is strong, imploring the new community of Jesus-followers to embody the life of Christ by being "doers of the word, not merely hearers." (1:22) James' letter is bold and insists on a commitment to Christ that is bold as well.
We will explore this short letter, just five chapters long, through the lens of what are the words on the page, what is James imploring the early Christians to do, and how might this powerful letter strengthen our faith in the 21st century.
In Sunday worship through the month of September, we will hear portions of the Letter of James in Eucharist.
This Short Course will be a great opportunity to delve more deeply into what we hear on Sunday and how it impacts the rest of the week.
Zoom Link-