Worshiping at St. John’s involves every member of the parish serving in the spirit of mutual ministry. There are many opportunities for parishioners to be involved in leading worship — on Sundays and throughout every season.
Parish Committees
Buildings and Grounds
The Building and Grounds Committee is responsible for parish buildings, grounds, furnishings, and equipment. They are also responsible for code compliance, timely maintenance, repair, and replacement. They negotiate fuel oil and snow removal contracts, conduct parish work days for cleaning, light painting, yard maintenance, and various other projects that enhance the value and beauty of our physical plant and surrounding grounds.
If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact us at 802-253-7578.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild has the privilege of preparing the altar for any service held in the church, and assisting the clergy whenever necessary. The members are also responsible for cleaning the altars, caring for the sacred vessels, and securing the necessary articles to be used at any service.
Our faithful members do their work with the utmost dedication and skill, always going the extra mile. As you are called to serve our Lord, you may find the Altar Guild to be a place where you can serve and grow spiritually.
If you are interested in serving in the Altar Guild, please contact Fr. Rick or the Parish Administrator at 802-253-7578.
Christian stewardship is using the gifts God has given us to do the work God is calling us to do. All that we have in this life is a gift from God: our time, our talents and our treasure. Part of being a good steward is giving back to God some of what we have been given, in loving gratitude for God’s many gifts to us.
Although money is an important aspect of stewardship, it is not the only one. Many Episcopalians today have more money than they have time. Please consider all aspects of stewardship in your own life and how you can be a good steward of the time and talents that God has given you.
If you are interested in serving on the Committee, please contact the Sr. Warden, Dick Kraemer.
Serving on Sundays
Our worship service on Sundays is supported by a number of parishioners of all ages. They exist to make those who come to St. John’s feel welcome and to help make the liturgy as beautiful and meaningful as possible.
Following are brief descriptions of the many ministries that are part of our worship service. Certain roles require special training. There is a rotating service schedule and you may be asked to serve often depending on the role. If you would like to serve in one of our worship ministries, please contact Fr. Rick.
The ushers greet and welcome the congregation and assist with their seating. They distribute the worship bulletins. Ushers arrive early to make sure the church is neat. During the service they collect the offerings, which along with the bread and wine are presented to the celebrant. They also record the service attendance in the church book. Ushers are available to assist the congregation with any situational problems that might arise. They also pay special attention to newcomers by inviting them to coffee hour and presenting them with a gift of Vermont maple syrup. After each service, they tidy the pews for the next service.
Acolytes participate in the procession and assist at the altar. Acolytes include the crucifer (cross bearer) and luminaries (torch bearers). While the role of luminary is typically fulfilled by our youth, we welcome all people who have a desire to serve and worship as acolytes.
Lectors read the Old Testament and New Testament lessons, as well as a Psalm, at Sunday services. Interested parties need advanced reading skills, a strong voice and a public speaking presence.
Intercessors lead the Prayers of the People at Sunday Eucharist services. They are a group of women and men who represent the worshiping community by leading the prayers. Interested persons need advanced reading skills, a strong voice, and a public speaking presence.
Chalice Bearers
Chalice bearers assist during the Eucharist and administer the wine.
Eucharistic Visitors
This ministry involves taking bread and wine to those unable to attend Sunday services and allows the homebound members of St. John’s to experience the embrace of our faith community. The only requirements for this ministry are that you enjoy meeting, visiting and ministering to people.
Coffee Hour
Throughout the church year, a time of fellowship follows the Sunday service. The Coffee Hour is a wonderful opportunity to meet other church members and newcomers. Be sure to join us for this family-friendly time in the undercroft. Coffee Hour is hosted by parishioners on a rotating basis. Your help would be most welcome! Hosts make coffee (supplied by the church) and provide cookies, fruit, coffee cake or something similar, as well as their time on the scheduled Sunday morning. Detailed information is provided to hosts well in advance. Volunteer here or by calling the office at 802-253-7578.