Service Ministry Opportunities


Altar Guild

Buildings & Grounds



Open Arms Mnistry

Outreach Committee

Scroll down to learn more about all of the Service Ministry Opportunities at St. John’s in the Mountains


Acolytes participate in the procession and assist at the altar. Acolytes include the crucifer (cross bearer) and luminaries (torch bearers). While the role of luminary is typically fulfilled by our youth, we welcome all people who have a desire to serve and worship as acolytes.

If you are interested in serving as an Acolyte, please contact Fr. Rick or the Parish Administrator at 802-253-7578.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild has the privilege of preparing the altar for any service held in the church and assisting the clergy whenever necessary. The members are also responsible for cleaning the altars, caring for the sacred vessels, and securing the necessary articles to be used at any service.

Our faithful members do their work with the utmost dedication and skill, always going the extra mile. As you are called to serve our Lord, you may find the Altar Guild to be a place where you can serve and grow spiritually.

If you are interested in serving in the Altar Guild, please contact Fr. Rick or the Parish Administrator at 802-253-7578.

Building & Grounds

The Building and Grounds Committee is responsible for parish buildings, grounds, furnishings, and equipment. They are also responsible for code compliance, timely maintenance, repair, and replacement. They negotiate fuel oil and snow removal contracts, and conduct parish work days for cleaning, light painting, yard maintenance, and various other projects that enhance the value and beauty of our physical plant and surrounding grounds.

If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact us at 802-253-7578.


Intercessors lead the Prayers of the People at Sunday Eucharist services. They are a group of women and men who represent the worshiping community by leading the prayers. Interested persons need advanced reading skills, a strong voice, and a public speaking presence.

If you are interested in serving as a Lector, please contact Fr. Rick or the Parish Administrator at 802-253-7578.


Lectors read the Old Testament and New Testament lessons, as well as a Psalm, at Sunday services. Interested parties need advanced reading skills, a strong voice and a public speaking presence.

If you are interested in serving as a Lector, please contact Fr. Rick or the Parish Administrator at 802-253-7578.

Open Arms Ministry

Open Arms Ministry is dedicated to welcoming families with preschool children. Open Arms is a servant ministry; we strive to share our faith in Jesus Christ by extending our open arms of welcome by creating a safe, nurturing and spiritually feeding community through:

  • A nursery ministry staffed by parish volunteers

  • Intentionally offering parents of preschool children the opportunity to attend worship for personal spiritual growth.

  • A safe environment where all volunteers and staff have completed the Safe Church training on a regular basis. Learn more at

If you are interested in serving, please contact Fr. Rick or Deb Clark at 802-253-7578.


Welcome Dr Sara Huff
St John’s Music Director

Sara Huff holds a DMA in Piano Pedagogy and M.M. in Piano Performance from The Catholic University of America, a Bachelor of Music from Boston University, and a Pre-Conservatory Certificate from The Peabody Institute in Baltimore, MD. She has performed with members of the Kennedy Center Opera and Phildelphia Orchestra, at embassies, and in the US and Europe. Major teachers include the late Hungarian pianist Bela Boszormenyi-Nagy, Dr. Tinka Knopf de Esteban (Peabody Institute), and the late Conrad Bernier (organ). Huff's piano compositions have been published by FJH Music Publishing, Alfred Music Publishing, and arrangements of popular music and a selection of original music are currently available on

Huff has served in churches for many years. She was confirmed in the Episcopal church in her early teens, and is looking forward to serving this congregation!

Sara will begin her ministry at St. John’s in the Mountains on Sunday, March 12. Please join us and extend a warm St. John’s welcome.


Outreach Committee

Our Mission:

To seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves, striving for justice and peace among all people, and respecting the dignity of every human being.

The Outreach Committee at St. John’s is responsible for organizing efforts to extend support and assistance to those in our local community, nationally and abroad who are in need.  We encourage all who are interested to become involved.  For additional information, contact Emily Bland at

Community Outreach

The people of St. John’s are deeply committed to serving those in our community who are in need. Whether there is work to be done, financial assistance required, or spiritual support needed, you will find our parishioners willing to use their time, talents, and treasure to serve our neighbors according to God’s will.

Throughout the year, our parish comes together in a spirit of fellowship to support various outreach activities. During the Lenten season, St. John’s hosts a Pancake Supper on Shrove Tuesday and Simple Soup Suppers each Wednesday. Both events raise money for the Lamoille Community Food Share — an organization that has been deeply supported by St. John’s for more than a decade. In the fall, St. John’s raises money to provide Thanksgiving meals for needy families through our Turkey Challenge. At Christmastime, our parish makes wishes comes true by providing one or two local families in need with an abundance of gifts that engulf our Dove Tree.

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. Matthew 25:35

Pastoral Care

St. John’s in the Mountains seeks to be a spiritual home for its members and is committed to giving support, prayer, resources and encouragement to meet spiritual, mental and physical needs during times of challenge, illness or transition.

A spiritual home is a place where you feel cared for and supported by God’s love through all seasons of life. The primary purpose of the Pastoral Care Team is to encourage a spirit of compassion in the life of the congregation, and to promote ministries for healing and wholeness. The Commission also serves to equip people for pastoral ministry, and to minister to and provide resources and education to support parishioners spiritually, mentally and physically during times of challenge, illness, death or transition.

Prayers for healing and prayers concerning various life events (births, deaths, marriages, etc.) are offered each Sunday during our worship service. The weekly Parish Prayers found in the Sunday bulletin are offered up for those in our church family who are hospitalized or in a crisis situation. If you would like to be added to the prayer list, you can complete an online prayer request form, email the parish administrator or call 802.253.7578.