Coffee Hour

Throughout the church year, a time of fellowship follows the Sunday service. The Coffee Hour is a wonderful opportunity to meet other church members and newcomers. Be sure to join us for this family-friendly time in the undercroft. Coffee Hour is hosted by parishioners on a rotating basis. Your help would be most welcome! Hosts make coffee (supplied by the church) and provide cookies, fruit, coffee cake or something similar, as well as their time on the scheduled Sunday morning. Detailed information is provided to hosts well in advance. Volunteer by calling the office at 802-253-7578.

Women’s Spirituality

The Spirituality Group provides a forum for fellowship and sharing of spiritual beliefs, doubts, strengths, questions and needs. We are encouraged to listen to each other and to the messages in our readings. We live in a country of cultural distortion-a world engulfed in conflict. Our group helps us to confront and deal with our feelings about these things within a spiritual context that does not let despair win. We give and receive spiritual support from one another. It is a safe place where we can be honest and direct in expressing our feelings. We love God and our Lord, and we seek to further understand Christian teachings, as well as teachings and truths of our faith.

Our discussions are drawn from books and a variety of current periodicals and writings in print and from the Internet. We have explored ideas and questions from a number of sources. Three books were prominent in our studies: The Third Jesus by Deepak Chopra, Eternal Life: A New Vision by Bishop John Spong, and The Seven Deadly Sins Sampler.

We meet every Thursday from 10am to noon and all are welcome.

Fiber Arts in the Mountains

Do you like to knit or crochet? Do you enjoy sewing or other needlework?

There is a new group forming called Fiber Arts in the Mountains.

Our first meeting will be on March 9th and will continue on the second Saturday of each month
from 10 AM until 2 PM; here at St John’s in the Mountains.

If you’re interested let Sara Huff, Sharon Witbeck, or the church office know;
and we can email you with more details.